Expletives While Exercising

Expletives While Exercising

“What an a*#.” I uttered while on a prayer walk this morning.  Immediately prior to the recipient of said expletive running me off the road, I was enjoying a rare moment of deep, profound, clear-headed, intimate prayer. As I journeyed out of the icy ditch, I realized...
What Are You Thinking…Right Now?

What Are You Thinking…Right Now?

“Once we have cast another group in the role of the enemy, we know that they are to be distrusted – that they are evil incarnate. We then twist all their communications to fit our belief.” Jerome D. Frank I’m reading a book called Language in Thought in Action, by...
Worse than #MeToo?

Worse than #MeToo?

About nine months ago I was hurt in a relationship. That ongoing fracture forced me to pray and ask some difficult questions: what is my part in this, why am I hurt, and what does God want me to know about my identity in Him in this pain? What I’ve realized in praying...
No Marie Kondo

No Marie Kondo

“You think this is just another day in your life? It’s not just another day, it’s the one day that is given to you. It’s a gift. Louie Schwartzberg If there’s one thing I covet, it’s time. I protect and try never to squander it. I’m annoyed when people/things...
Changing Your View of You

Changing Your View of You

One of the things I often encourage women to do is Evaluate Everyday Emotions. I’ve learned that paying attention to what sparks my anger, defensiveness, or snarkiness, helps me get to the core beliefs I have about myself and about God. When I notice those emotions,...
How to Give You the BOD I Want

How to Give You the BOD I Want

I love acronyms. I suppose it’s the special education teacher in me or my love of efficiency that attracts me to them, but recently I’ve been challenged and convicted by an acronym in my quest to learn how to forgive. When people I’m trying to forgive post...