
My Transient New Life

My Transient New Life

Lent was a bust this year. I tried giving up sweets, but it didn’t take (see my previous post for details). I tried spending more time with God using the Lectio 365 app but was inconsistent with that, as well. However, while lamenting about how I'd missed Lent this...

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That Sounds Challenging…No Thank You

That Sounds Challenging…No Thank You

“We are the beloved. We are intimately loved long before our parents, teachers, spouses, children, and friends loved or wounded us. That’s the truth of our lives. That’s the truth I want you to claim for yourself. That’s the truth spoken by the voice that says, ‘You...

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Kicking the Dog

Kicking the Dog

I rolled my eyes after finishing Chapman’s book on anger. He equated ones’ ability to control their anger with their level of spiritual maturity. He also said, “Our anger is at the very heart of who we are. Tell me what you are angry about, and I will tell you what is...

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Angry about Anger

Angry about Anger

“This book on anger is making me angry.” I told my daughter this tongue in cheek, but Gary Chapman’s five step plan on handling anger seemed over-simplified and unrealistic. It insulted my intelligence and countless attempts to manage my rage over the years. So, I put...

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Distress in My (Empty) Nest

Distress in My (Empty) Nest

Becoming an empty nester last year wreaked havoc on my life and marriage. When our kids left, it exposed some emotional insecurities that the busyness of raising children distracted me from. Once those fears and inadequacies began to surface however, I looked to my...

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Mourning with Gratitude

Mourning with Gratitude

Last week my uncle passed away. He was the oldest of my dad’s seven siblings, graduated from Yale, and was a research and development engineer. He spoke Chinese and Japanese fluently. He was also a gifted musician. But at his funeral yesterday, none of those amazing...

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